All names beginning with Saint, such as St Andrew's Fair, are listed under the abbreviation, St, whatever the actual spelling. Crib titles containing names beginning with Mac and Mc are indexed strictly alphabetically; if you cannot find a dance under one of these spellings, try the other. The definite and indefinite articles (The, A, An), of English titles only, are ignored so that: The Sailor is shown under Sa; and A Trip to Bavaria is shown under Tr; but Le Papillon is shown under Lb‑m; and An Gearasdan (a Gaelic title) is shown under An‑q. For more information on the pronunciation and meaning of Gaelic titles, see Gaelic Dance Names.As an alternative to this indexing, for a single page with links to every dance, see All Cribs Pages Site Map. Permitted Use Of These Dance Cribs Feel free to use any of the crib pages on this site to help produce your own dance cribs or programmes - (simply copy/paste any cribs) but please note these points first.1. On the 'Dance Crib pages' the MINICRIB dance notes are available FREE but, in recognition of the author (Charles Upton, of the Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors) please leave the MINICRIB footnote that appears below each crib (only required once per programme). 2. On the 'Dance Crib pages' the MAXICRIB dance notes are available FREE but in return please leave the MAXICRIB footnote that appears below each crib (only required once per programme). 3. On the 'Crib Diagrams pages' the Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams are available FREE but, in recognition of the author (Keith Rose, of the Bedford Scottish Dance Group) you may wish to add a short note crediting him wherever you use his diagrams in public. For further copyright details please see our © COPYRIGHT PAGE |